Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Winter Forecast

The headline on the paper this morning said we would have lower heating bills due to a milder winter.   YEA

Then I opened the paper and saw that people that "read" persimmon seeds say it is to be a terrible winter, colder than last year.

When I was growing up not 20 miles from where we live my mom used to say you could predict the winter by the color of the wooly worms coats.   Well, I've seen some pretty darned dark wooly worms lately. 

So...I'm not going to fool myself into thinking this winter will be all sunshine and roses.   I've got a lot of yarn here to knit prayer shawls, 15 jigsaw puzzles to put together and how much fabric to sew I do not know,  but I bet I can get a couple of quilts out of it.

Happy Winter all.