Wednesday, February 2, 2011


A few weeks ago we went into Babbitts Book Store in Normal just to see what it was all about. see Kathy.

While we were there I had her look up a book for me that I have had forever and love dearly.   I used to buy them by the dozens and gave them as gifts.

When they went out of print the author (a friend of a friend) bought several hundred and sold us copies for $2.50.

I have ONE left.  Kathy saw someone had one for sale for $100 and one for about $40.   It got me to thinking of a few old books Ted and I have.   So this morning I looked a few of them up on line.

One I have, "Adventures of Grandfather Frog" is worth anywhere from $125 to $85.   I have a book "English Men of Letters - Robert Browning" by G.K. Chesterton and it's worth between $15 to $50.   Another book Ted just bought somewhere by William Bixby "The Impossible Journey of Sir Ernest Shackleton" is about $20.

Now, I tried to find a most all time favorite of mine "Birds That Frequent the Night" by Minor Brock but it isn't even listed.   He was a little known author from the area I grew up in.

ANYWAY...I'm thinking if I want to keep these books or try and sell them.    AND...wishing I'd of bought some of the boxes of old books a cousin had when they had his sale.    I bet there was a really rare book in one of those boxes.  

(Laughing to myself)


  1. Ah, books. But the prices depend on 1) edition (first edition?) 2) condition 3) rarity and 4) what someone will really pay to have it.

    And remember what happened to Beanie Babies? So, yes, hang on to these fabulous books until you decide to sell them, but don't count your chickens....!!

  2. I'm too old, Kathy, to count chickens. sometimes those eggs don't get fertalized. :)
