Well, like everyone else we cannot believe how horrific yesterday was for some parts of the country. I helped the Red Cross one time after a tornado in Tennessee and it's not something you soon forget. People would be standing looking at their property, some of the homes were completely gone. All you could do was go to them, give them a hug and ask if there was anything they needed right then. There had been two men killed on one street we worked. This was most upsetting so I can only imagine how these people feel with so many lost. I remember sitting in a S.S. class one time that Jim Pryne was teaching. We were talking about death. I asked him what we could do when someone had lost a loved one. He said, "Sometimes just being there is enough". I'll never forget that and hope all these survivors have someone with them.
We are having a BIG garage sale tomorrow and Saturday and as we took the signs to put up at the end of Rt. 99 which runs in front of our sub-division we saw the Duck River is out. That same gentle little river where Ted has taken grandkids to skip rocks, fishing, and last summer to play in the rapids. But today it's not a gentle LITTLE river. Below are two pictures I just took.
The picture above is taken as you come to our house from Lewisburg. Water is all around this man's yard and I had to take a picture of his boat. I guess it broke loose or got away from him before he could secure it.
This picture is taken as you turn on Rt. 99 to come to our house. The River Rats Canoe Rental place is on the right and you usually have to go down a steep drive to get to the water here. A couple of garbage cans are floating around. No one will be canoeing for awhile.
Well, no wonder schools were closed this week! That's a lot of water!