Friday, July 23, 2010


Boundries is a word my mother did not know was in the dictionary.    I didn't either until I'd had a couple years of therapy and learned very quickly one day when I overstepped mine with one of the therapists.

ANYWAY...we have a boundry problem with two neighbors.   One on the south of our house and the other on the north.    They cannot either one mow in a straight line and this just bothers Ted a lot.   Now the grass is tall and one of them has thrown her first big strip of mown grass on our property.

The other neighbor to the south has not spoken to us for a year or so when he ordered Ted to put a wooden post back that Ted bought, had put in the ground and decided he didn't want it there anymore so he had removed it.   This guy came to our door and just told Ted he was going to put that post back.    Any of you that know Ted know this is not the way to his heart.

We tried to go talk to him but he would not speak to us.   HE wouldn't even come to the door one time when we went over so finally said "the CHELL with it!"

Now Jordan is visiting and knew none of the above.    We had a brief shower the other evening and then the sun came out and she asked if she could go look for a rainbow.   We said, "Sure".   

She was out awhile and I saw the neighbors dog out in our drive way and told her not to pet it.   It has never bitten anyof us - it just likes to use our yard for a bathroom. barks at me when I walk like it's the town constable.

Jordan came in after awhile and said she had told the neighbor their dog was loose.   That in itself was funny but then Ted said, "Did he come out and talk to you?"    Jordan said, "No, I rang their doorbell".     She had decided that dog did not need to be out running (like it does all over the neighborhood) so thought she'd better let them know it.

I LOVE IT.    We just told her their dog usually was out and not to worry about it but she didn't need to go talk to them about it again.

Out of the mouths of babes.  


  1. I see two things that should happen. Won't make things better, but they would sure be fun.
    1. Any pets that use your yard as a bathroom, the "product" is placed neatly in a pile right outside the pet owner's door...on fire would help stress the point even more.
    2. Hand the neighbor the post, explaining "It's not important to me, it is to you so here you go. And since it's my post, if I don't like how you put it back, I will remove it again."

    Out of the mouth of a 39 year old.

    And you thought when I got old I'd end up like Clint Eastwood in "Grand Torino"...I think I'm already there.

  2. I think you are just TOOOOOOOOOOO much like your mother. I would of taken the post, cut it in really small pieces and taken them to good ol Charlie and said, here's the post, put it where it fits.
