Sunday, July 4, 2010

Getting Old

After church today I ran a couple of errands and then my last stop was to visit a friend that has been in a nursing home almost 3 years.    She's about 85.    She was in my knitting group from the time we started and never came to a meeting without at least three Prayer Shawls.  

I knew her family was at their yearly trip to MN to their cabin on the lake.   This is always hard for her and I understand it.   BUT...she is so angry.   I just hurt for her so badly.    She's ready to leave this life and has no control over it.

She complains about EVERYTHING and it is SO unlike her.   I'm not criticizing, I would be far worse than she is I expect if that happens to me.   She cannot get out of bed, can only move one arm and her head.

The lady next to her is just mean she says.   Her kids just went and when they came to see her they were all talking about what they would take to the lake and she didn't care about any of it.

All of a sudden I noticed a large shadow of the tree outside her window on the wall.    It was BEAUTIFUL and I tried to get her interested but, she just cannot see the beauty of any of it.

I hate seeing her like this but try to go by when I'm up that way.   I always imagine myself in the same situation and hope I can keep a positive attitude but have doubts that I will.   Getting old is SO hard.   I find myself complaining more and more and really do try to stop.  


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