Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Good Bye Dear Friend

Grace made her transition out of this life last night.   I'm glad her struggle is over.   For over three years she has been bedridden and I watched a really neat lady turn into an angry old woman.    I'm not blaming her, I'm sure if that happens to me no one will want to come near me.

Grace was one of my first ladies to join the Prayer Shawl ministry.   We had a Ministry Moment one time and she called me and ask if she could speak.   I had written some things out to talk about but welcomed the willingness of one of the other ladies to speak.  

I asked her is she wanted some ideas on what to say and she said, "I'll read it but I have something I want to say too".    I had a feeling if Grace wanted to speak she and God would work it out and I couldn't begin to compete with what she had to say.

Grace was always beautifully dressed and wore hats to church.   Beautiful hats.   She was a very attractive older lady.

She told the church how she had been invited to join the Prayer Shawl Ministry and thought, "That's a nice thing to do" and let it go.   Then she was given a shawl and realized how special that was.  

Grace never came to a meeting with less than three shawls.   She came in one time and had a beautiful shawl.   We were all commenting on it and I asked her what size needles she used.   She said, "A size 35 and a size 10 1/2"    I didn't even know they made a size 35 needle but by golly they do.

I'm going to miss Grace, not miss seeing her in that bed in that nursing home but missing the friend I had.   Safe journey dear friend.


  1. Thanks for this tribute to Grace, who is wrapped in many warm shawls for her journey, I'm sure.

  2. Yes, Kathy, she is probably up there (or wherever) knitting for some Angels.
