Thursday, December 2, 2010


Every day we "circle up" before a meal and share something that has happened or what WILL be happening that day.   Then someone from the Kitchen Ministry asks the blessing.

This week we have had two shipments of School Kits go to Sudan and today a shipment of bedding will be going out to various parts of the U.S.

Yesterday morning at Breakfast we had a group from Maine doing dishes (Kitchen Ministry) and a very tall man with a very soft voice ask the blessing.

I happened to notice he was looking up during the prayer and I LOVE to look up when I pray.   Sometimes I think we just look down or close our eyes and shut God-LOVE out.   I told him I really liked that later and he said he almost asked the group to do it too but wasn't sure how they would feel.  He also asked the blessing on the shipment yesterday.

These are the times I feel God's presence here.

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