Friday, November 5, 2010


I really wish I knew how to put pictures on here today because we have this WONDERFUL deck that overlooks the Bayou Tesch.   It holds many secrets.

Last night was our Vesper Service and I often think I wish we could have Vespers the first night people are here instead of the last.   It seems at Vesper Service in our "Time of Sharing" we get to know each other just a little bit better.

Several people told of sitting down there and meditating.   You can almost always see an Egret having a meal.   We used to have a Blue Herron now and then which was just most pleasing to me but this year I have not seen one.

One group did not go sight seeing Wednesday afternoon as is the rule.  They spent most of the afternoon on the Deck getting to know each other better. 

And as we went to the Cafateria for dinner last night, Ted and I saw the couple from New York coming back from some quiet time on the Deck.  I'll try to post pictures tomorrow of the Deck on Face Book.   It really does have a lot to tell us if we could only hear.


  1. You can hear what the Deck is saying, you just have to be still and listen with your heart. :)
    When I was in Sonshine, I sang a solo of a song called "Be Still and Know". I'll try to find the lyrics - it's a good tune/song/lesson.

  2. I remember that Connie. Goodness, the Sonshine Choir. Wasn't that a group? So much fun.
