Saturday, November 13, 2010

To Cruise or NOT to Cruise

The other day I noticed on a side-bar of my Facebook Wall that Seniors could get 75% off a cruise out of New Orleans over the Thanksgiving week.

Now we have never gone on a cruise for several reasons.   I get very sea sick, they are expensive, there is too much food around, and we just didn't think we were the type to take a cruise.   However, with no plans for Thanksgiving week and not having to fly to board the boat I was thinking of approaching Ted on the subject.

THEN...there was a cruise ship that caught fire.  You've all seen the terrible accounts of what happened and what they had to do.

We are kind of adventurous and I jokingly told Ted what I had been thinking of.   He said he'd go if I would.  I would like to go just once but then I keep seeing the picture of the canned Spam.   I used to buy Spam but somehow I don't think I could eat it again unless I was really, really hungry.   I can almost smell the fat when you open the can.   YUK!!!

I expect we will end up staying right around here and doing nothing but taking long walks and naps, I'll knit and read and Ted will read and do crossword puzzles.


  1. What? No alligator-wrestling? No late night bar-hopping in the Big Easy?

  2. Yea, right!!!! We could do that but it would have to be EARLY NIGHT for us anymore.

    AND...NO, no alligator wrestling. We keep trying to find the alligator on the commercial you referred to awhile back but can't seem to find it.

  3. Jerry and I didn't think we were "cruise people" either - we liked road trips. But we were persuaded by friends to take two different cruises with them, and had wonderful times (one was to Alaska, and Jerry never stopped talking about it). But - we were fortunate - no fires or other mishaps on the ship!

  4. I would like to dive off of high bridges AGAIN.
