Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Yesterday I was just plain LAZY and boy did I enjoy it.   Read, napped, read, went out for dinner and read some more.

Woke up at 3 a.m. wondering how on earth we were going to get the big blankets stored in the Outreach office into the Christmas Stockings I had the ladies make a couple of weeks ago.   Then I realized we were supposed to separate the blankets and have them serged.   Only about 38 of them by a week from Friday. 

I had found a lot of towels in the Depot yesterday that needed to be laundered so was going to be down there today anyway.   Figured I could trim these all up and get a few serged. 

Well, one serger just decided it didn't want to work and won't.   I tried putting in a new needle and it won't even let me do that.   I'm hoping someone next week is really a good repair person on sergers and will kick that little sergers behind.

SO...I went to another serger.   This one is very tempermental but if you clean it every half hour and oil it every hour it usually works.  BUT...not this morning.  It keeps coming unthreaded and no matter what I do it won't work more than 5 or 10 minutes.  

It's been a frustrating day so I may get that baby working again and put her to bed till next week.    Then I'll just trim all the blankets up ready for these really sharp ladies that will be coming in next week to finish. 

No more napping and reading till Friday but first I'll need to walk to beach.  It's been a long time since I just walked the beach.  A year ago in February to be exact when Jordan and I walked the beach in Melbourne.  This time I'll be walking with Connie Lou.  

1 comment:

  1. FYI I decided I was going to figure out that darned serger that wouldn't stay threaded and finally did. Changed the tension on it and lost the tension in my shoulders. :)
