Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Craftie friends.

Yesterday found me back at Bone and Joint.    One leg did't want to work at all Monday and I was beginning to wonder just WHAT was wrong.

Yesterday it was 90% better.   After the Dr. put me through several "strength" tests he said he didn't know what it could be except some nerves got overworked.   He said I could take more mobic but I declined and asked if there was something that didn't have such side affects.   He recommended E. S. Tylenol so that's what I'm working going to do for awhile anyway.

Then I went to a home of one of the ladies in my knitting group.   It's in a HIGH END of Brentwood and man, it was a BEAUTIFUL home.   You could put our little house inside her front room and kitchen.   It was just beautiful and then she started showing me what she had been QUILTING.   She is such a talented lady and they have the most beautiful back yard.

An enclosed patio that can be opened to this scenic back yard with a swing set that most of my grandkids see in my neighbors yards.   But... the most beautiful part of that yard was the pond.   It's all landscaped with a waterfall and the beautiful pond and gold fish (Huge GOLDFISH) and I was caught up in all of this.   She showed me how they have to keep a mesh netting over the pond because of the Herrin eating the fish.   She has about 12 fish and they are all named.   Well, anyway, I was kind of hoping a Herrin would come and land while I was there.   They are just the MOST BEAUTIFUL bird.

I had lunch with a friend and got a wedding gift and even delivered it.   SO... had a great day and today we are off the WInchester and the Senior Center there to see if they will finish a quilt for me.   I'm also taking a LOT of fabric to these ladies as they are ALWAYS needing fabric.



  1. How's the tylenol working out? I hope it helps. You have to keep your mobility up so you can get to those fabric stores!!!!

  2. I have a friend who has occasional Crafty Doodle Days. I might have one today, involving bookmarks made from things found in books. As I am facilitating a workshop on that in the bookstore July 10!

  3. Don't tell Dad but I did buy 1/2 yard of fabric at HAMMERS. It's got Snoopy on it and I just couldn't pass it up. :)
