Monday, June 21, 2010


I get a meditation from a minister in Nashville now and then and yesterday she talked about going "HOME" to a family cabin.   Her father has Alzheimers (SP) and this cabin has been in their family for years.   She used to go there as a child and told of all the good times they had had there.   Things she had done with her father there and her grandfather and grandmother.  

She said when she walked in a flood of memories came to her.   All the people that she remembered from her past and she could even hear her mother laughing.  It felt like "HOME" and by the time the meditation was over she ask where OUR HOME was.

I guess I don't have a PLACE I can call home.   We have moved so many times over the years and never put ROOTS down in any one place.   Certainly not this house.   If I had to pick one place that we loved the most it would have to be the house in Winchester.  

There was always something to do at that house.    I learned to use a Buck Saw there and to split wood.  We had this wood buring fireplace and one time we had a big (I mean BIG) tree given to us if we went and cut it down.   That was a job.   BUT...we did it and some of the branches we brought home we just really big.    I asked Ted if I could use his hand saw to help but he said he'd buy me a Buck Saw.   I used that thing and LOVED it. 

One day I had seen him splitting some wood and wanted to learn how.   I knew he'd never let me so I waited till he went to Huntsville to see his Broker one time and went out.   It took me about an hour but I finally got it. 

That's where I want to go when this body gives out and most of my family know what they are to do with my ashes.   SO...that would be HOME to me when I really go HOME.



  1. What a nice meditation of your own on home!

  2. Well our blog ideas are running in parallel lines today...also, you might like to read the book HOME by Marilynne Robinson. I have a copy I can lend you when you're up. It's really a great book.
