Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Greed is a word we hear a lot these days.   The bankers, oil people, polititians, even an old woman when she has free fabric offered her.

You see, last year when we were in Louisiana they had a lot of blankets brought into the sewing room for kits that were too large.   These were actually just pieces of flannel that were supposed to be 36" X 36".   Well, people bought 1 yard of 36" X 45" in fabric and so we had the extra to dispose of.    It was beautiful.   It was new.   It was FREE.  

I just didn't know what to do with all of this (like 5 tubs of blankets that needed altered) so most of it found it's way into our truck when we headed home.   I really intended to make blankets for babies and small children at the Domestic Abuse Center.

I found when I got home my interest in it had waned and I kept putting off doing the blankets.   I finally did finish one.   The other day I took some of it to a Senior Center that I knew sewed all kinds of quilts and felt sure it would be put to good use.   BUT...I still have one tub of fabric here.   It was getting to me and making me feel guilty for bringing it.

I tried another regular baby quilt that I had done and just couldn't get my heart in it.   Then I pulled out a pattern for a large quilt I have that is easy to do, quite pretty when done and the top takes very little time.   I reduced the size of the quilt and made one yesterday afternoon.   I am quite excited about this new venture and realized I just needed a little different course to take.  

I wonder if the bankers, oil men, and polititians would use a different direction to use their energy it might make a difference in all our lives.


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