After reading Kim's blog this morning Ted and I were talking about our own kids and their band instruments.
Kim started out with a trumpet but didn't seem to care for it so we didn't buy it. Jill played the Viola for awhile but I wasn't very receptive of it and she finally just gave it up too. Sorry Jill.
Connie had a clarinet and I have no idea where we bought it but I do know it was a conglomeration (that is a word) of three different clairnets.
When we moved to Brentwood she had a friend that played clairnet and I asked Connie if Angie's clairnet was wood or plastic. She said "She has both". I do remember Connie was first chair most of the time she played - even if her clairnet was put together from three others.
Mark had a used saxiphone and then also played Tuba. I wanted to play Tuba part of the time in Marching Band but they wouldn't let me. I WAS A GIRL.
Well, I was never first chair, but did play in the first 4 chairs most of my band career. Mr. Williams told me that it was because I could sight-read music better than anyone. :) And Mark play both Tuba AND saxophone, which is an amazing talent considering the ambesure for each instrument is totally different. Thank you for the opportunities to learn and love music!