Sunday, August 28, 2011


Yesterday was the big day.    I had looked forward to this day for a long time and it was everything we had hoped for except Benjamin didn't feel like going.   In his place I took a neighbor boy, Nate,  with Jeremiah and I.  I think this smile tells about what Jeremiah was feeling.   Toward the end of the game he said he thought he might become a Titans fan but I really doubt that will actually happen.   Think momma Bear will squelch that idea quickly.

When we got there we realized how high our seats really were.   We were 5 rows from the very top of this stadium and we did not have nose bleeds but some oxygen would of been nice.  

Once we got acclimated to being up this high and realizing this was where we had to spend the game we settled down to have a good time.    We got some snacks and drinks and watched T-Rax, the Titans mascot do his stunts.    This was Jeremiah's first Pro Football Game so everything was new and the silly antics of T-Rax won all of us over quickly. 

The game was good.   It started out in favor of the Bears but the Titans soon ralied and finally pulled off a win by 1 point.   WHEW!!!!  
Below is a picture of took of the field from where we were.   We actually could see the players but if they had not shown the plays on the big screens I sure wouldn't of enjoyed the game as much.  

Daughter number one just left with her two in tow and the house is once again too quiet.   I think these two are very lucky to have a mom that will do just about anything within her power to make them happy.   I don't know many working mothers that would drive 16 hours in two days just so a son could go to a football game. the process make an old woman pretty happy too.

I have to add a footnote here that Mark called this morning with good news all around.  He lives in Virginia Beach and was on our minds all week-end.   He was safe as the storm passed over him at his friends house.   They had a generator so watched a movie and played cards to pass the time.   Today he went back to the house he has rented and it was DRY.  Neighbors told him they only lost their power for about 10 minutes.   Sorry all in that area did not fare as well as he.  


  1. He had such a great time! Thanks again...a million!

  2. Sounds like you had lots of fun! So glad everyone is happy and safe!
