Well, my blog seems rather boring after reading my kids and all their new technology STUFF and new phones that do everything for you except maybe go to the bathroom. Thank GOD we still have to do that for ourselves.
BUT...my Prayer Shawl group from church has been involved with Prayer Shawls 4 Fallen Soldiers for a couple of years. A year ago the lady that heads this up asked if we would be interested in participating in sending shawls to Dover Air Force Base for the Dignified Body Transfer. I knew right away I wanted to be a part of this and the group agreed. So every two ro three months we send about three shawls to the Chaplain at Dover. In June we sent three for adults, three for children and I had two new stuffed animals here I had purchased sometime because they were on sale.
Yesterday I got my haircut and was listening to National Public Radio station out of Nashville and the two ladies that helped start the family participation in the Dignified Transfer of Bodies were on there talking about how it came to be. It made me proud to be a part of this Ministry.
Apparently families were never contacted or invited to be there for this service but these two ladies are military wives and felt it would benefit the families to see this. I hear it's a beautiful, moving service but usually held about 2 a.m. for some reason. Maybe if our leaders were invited to be there for these services we might not be in so many wars.
I forgot to tell you, groups from all over the United States participate in this program and sometimes we get an urgent message that they may need 50 shawls the following week. This happened once and found out later they had 80 shawls donated in 6 hours. So...our 3 go into a reserve they can use when needed along with MANY others from other groups.