Friday, August 27, 2010


I very seldom just "GO SHOPPING" but I did yesterday.   Well, had lunch with a friend too but this is about shopping.

I found a gift card Kim had given me to Borders this Spring.   I had forgotten about it and so yesterday went in to see what I could find. 

Was looking for the CD of Brian Williams and hoped they would have some.   They did and it was so cheap I had half the card left.   So...began looking.

Before I left I had the CD, a large tube of promegranite lotion (marked half price), a card for a friend, AND a book.   (Of course I went over the card a bit but we won't tell anyone).

Then I had a card that a friend of Connie's had given me at Target.   It still had some cash left on it so went to Target.    Couldn't find what I was looking for but did find a small waffle iron.   We usually just bought the one's you toasted and I can't eat them.   NOW...we have a REAL waffle iron.

I came home feeling like I had really done something.   And  I had.

1 comment:

  1. OOPS, got the name wrong. The CD is by Brian WILSON. Sorry Brian.
