Before each meal we all gather in the cafateria and give any announcements for the day that are needed. The Outreach office usually has the most as they take people to the Domestic Abuse Center to work or take a tour, to the Head Start program where they read to the children or go to the library with them. They are also in charge of the Vespers Service on Thursday night. They have their meeting of the planning committee for Vespers meet in an adjoining room during dinner on Monday evenings.
Now we also have what we call "The Kitchen Ministry" and they are our dishwashers. This group changes from meal to meal and everyone gets a turn to help wash dishes. The Kitchen Ministry people always get to eat first so they can start washing dishes as soon as people finish.
Yesterday the lady that plans Vespers announced that the Vespers planning people should line up right behind the "CHICKEN MINISTRY" when what she meant to say was, they should line up behind the Kitchen Ministry. The whole place came apart in laughter and she laughed right along with them.
She is a dear lady from New York. She's very petite and sweet to everyone and she and I have gotten to be great friends this trip. I told her she did my heart good because that sounded like something I would say.
Laughter is good for the soul.
So nice of you Methodists to minister to chickens.
ReplyDeleteBenjamin used to call the kitchen "the chicken"...always funny, no matter who says it! :D
ReplyDeleteLikewise, my husband frequently mixes up those words.