Monday, October 11, 2010


We got our little apartment cleaned early Saturday morning, the laundry finished and both had a nap by 1 p.m. and decided to go to Avery Island.   We had been to the Tabasco Sauce plant a few years ago but never to the Jungle Gardens.  

All the flowers are gone but we did see a few alligators.   They were all pretty small but I still kept my distance.

This Island has quite a history and if you are interested you can read all about it at:

We drove the designated path and enjoyed what we could imagine of the flowers that are not there.   Would LOVE to see the Heron come and make their nests.

Sunday was church for me.   I go to a black church and they are always there for at least two hours but yesterday was children's day and so it ran a bit longer.  

One thing they did was have us sign a pledge to support our children/grandchildren and take a card with a child's name on it and pray for that child for a year.   I thought this was  a pretty neat idea.

Then Sunday was birthday Sunday too and one of the ladies was 74.   I am 74 and I was wondering how our lives would of been different if we could they them out side by side.   She looked a lot older than 74.

Then the football games began and to top the whole week-end off the Titans beat Dallas.   That was just the icing on the cake.   What a game.   What a week-end.


  1. I love your thought about looking at lives side by side. Even the thought puts us closer together. I wish we would think that way more often, about people all over the world.

  2. It would be interesting, wouldn't it? I can just imagine all the things this lady had to do that I would probably NEVER be able to do. I cannot imagine being raised black in the world she grew up in.
