Friday, October 22, 2010


Last night was our weekly Vesper service.  A young woman did the sermon and I thought she was good, Ted didn't care for it.   Ah, well.  

We had expected a real mess.   I guess they just couldn't get it together at the planning meeting and we were all anxious to see just how this went off, which was a wonderful service to me.

Especially the part where people stand up and tell their blessings they will take from the week.   A couple of men spoke about going out into the community and what they saw there and how it affected them.   When we put the bags together or assemble the kits at the tables we don't get to see the people but these people that go work on some of the trailers and homes in the area DO.   Some of these trailers sound just almost unlivable to me.   Is life relative?   These people would think they were in a mansion in my little house.  Maybe someone from Haiti would LOVE one of these delapolated trailers.

ANYWAY...I came away with a FULL CUP from last nights service and as we left we were handed a piece of FAIR TRADE chocolate and information on how to use Fair Trade chocolate at Halloween.   Maybe Halloween isn't such a wasteful holiday after all.

If you want to know more here are two web sites for you: